
The club is governed by the Board of Directors, a group of about a dozen members. The Board normally meets monthly during the club year, to organize club events and coordinate the various club services. The Board currently consists of:


Vice President

2nd Vice President (Wine Steward)



Directors (4)

Newsletter Editor

Level of Expertise Steward

Past President

any Directors Emeritus

The five officers (President, Vice President, Wine Steward, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected annually for one-year terms.  The annual election meeting is held in March, for the following club year (which starts in September).  Presidents may serve no more than two terms consecutively.  There are no restrictions on the other officer positions.

The four Director positions are elected two each year, for two-year terms.  Vacancies in the Director positions due to resignations, etc. are filled by appointments by the President.

The Newsletter Editor and Level of Expertise Steward are positions appointed by the President, but are full voting members of the Board.

The immediate Past President is automatically a member of the Board.

Directors Emeritus are permanent Board members who do not stand for re-election.  The Board may designate specific members as Directors Emeritus in recognition of long and substantial service to the club.

The club Librarian and Web Master are appointed positions but are not voting members of the Board.

"The Purple Foot" is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. 

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