The apple picnic is the October club event. It's an excellent opportunity to get premium local apple juice and also to enjoy an afternoon of socializing with good food and wine. All members are welcome to attend whether they order juice or not.
This year, the event will be hosted at Jill Parkins' house on October 12th. Mike Little will be sourcing juice from Brand Farms in Empire, MN again this year. The juice is fantastic quality, and it comes freshly pre-juiced from a blend of apples ideal for wine. The cost will be around $7/gallon. If you want juice, please send your orders to Mike Little no later than October 5th.
Mike Little
(952) 994-0146
Mike has asked that the minimum order be 5 gallons. Please bring your payment with you to the picnic.
If you’ve never made apple wine, we encourage you to give it a try. We have several experienced winemakers who have made exceptional apple wines who can help. It's affordable, good quality, and a good option for all skill levels. You can also use if for cider, apple juice, jellies, and more!
"The Purple Foot" is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.