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Who are we?

The Purple Foot is a club of amateur winemakers, dedicated to helping our members appreciate wines of all sorts, and to produce better wines of their own.  We are based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota.  

Kent Nienaber Earns Enologist Extraordinaire

Kent Nienaber was awarded Enologist Extraordinaire in November. Enologist Extraordinaire is the fifth and highest  honor of the Purple Foot Level of Expertise (LOE) program. Kent passed through the first four levels, Novice, Amateur, Winemaker, and Cellar Master before earning the latest honor. Each level has criteria to formally judge the winemaking skills of the winemaker. To achieve Enologist Extraordinaire one must have five wines awarded ribbons in competition with one First, one Second, and the rest Third or better. In addition, the winemaker must lead a major program for the club AND serve in a major capacity. Kent has led the Winery Tour in August for several years and is currently our club Vice President.

Congratulations Kent!

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Bunkhouse Wines

For everyone that misses the grape juice pails from Midwest, here is a new opportunity!

Bunkhouse wines is accepting pre-orders for frozen grape juice in 6 gallon food grade buckets.

  • 9 red and 7 white varietals are available.
  • The grapes are from Chile.
  • Cost is $99 per bucket.
  • Deadline to order is April 1. 
More information and the links to order are on their website.


The Purple Foot is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.  

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